Klamath Bees
Living with
Honey Bees
Klamath Elementary and Summer School Program
Have us visit your school or come to our apiary for a field day.
Background: In 2015 we rolled out our elementary school program on a trial basis. It was an instant success.
Goal: To visit every school every year. providing valuable information to children in a very relaxing and informative way.
Age: We prefer 3rd and 4th graders. We have done 1st and second graders as well. Anything below 1st grade is not quite ready for the program.
Learn: The importance of honey bees and other pollinators, their role in our food chain, and the environment. How are wasps different from bees, and what stung me? Here we empower children by teaching them how to identify what has stung them, and simple things they can do if they get stung. This educational event makes the connection between flowers, fruits and vegetables, and their pollinators. We dissect flowers to learn about their parts, discover what cross pollination is and how pollination works. We also teach how bees make honey and how we extract it for use. Every child that participates will receive the "Toby and the Bees" or "Black and Fuzzy is so Lovely" book free of charge. We also hand out information material and honey sticks.
What to Expect: An interactive experience. No child will be bored and time flies with our fun filled program.
Location: We either come to your school or have arranged field days at our apiary.
Program Length: Each class is 1 hour long, and we ask schools to make special arrangements for us. We usually prefer to set up in a gym or library with tables and chairs. By doing so we don't have to move our setup from class to class. We bring quite a number of activities with us and moving from class to class takes some time. For field days at our place we calculate 2-3 hours, depending on class size.
Cost: The class is free to public schools at this point. Private schools, registered as non-profit with tax exempted document, are asked to pay $5 per child. Commercial institutions that provide child care and charge for their service are asked to pay $10 per child. This covers our material cost and time.
Apiary Visit: We require a risk waver to be signed by the parents and anyone who participates. We will provide these prior to their visit. The risk of getting stung is very low. We ask everyone to bring long pants and a baseball cap. We have bee jackets and gloves available. We will also catch drones (male bees without a stinger) for our pet a bee session. No child will have to participate in looking into a hive or pet a bee, if they feel uncomfortable. So far everyone has enjoyed it and nobody got stung.
Please contact Katharina Davitt at 541-591-8995, if you would like to set up our bee visit or like to visit our apiary.

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