Klamath Bees
Living with
Honey Bees
Do you need a presenter?
Part of our educational outreach is giving presentations. We love to present at bee club meetings, local organizations that like to learn about honey bees, schools, and so on. Below is a list of a few topics to choose from, but not all we have. Give us a call to discuss details.

Winter Feeding Honey Bees
In this presentation we discuss the chemical structure of sugars, types of sugars, and sugars used in beekeeping during winter and the rest of the year. Lenght about 30 minutes.

Keeping Honey Bees - A Sustainable Approach
This is a comprehensive sustainability presentation of honey bees. We explore the importance of honey bees, crops they pollinate, plants they forage. Impacts of decline and causes, including colony collapse disorder. How we can help honey bees and carbon food print. Lenghts about 45 minutes.

Resin sources and chemical analysis of propolis. Medical research and benefits of propolis to humans. How do bees make propolis and how to do they use it. Health benefits to bees and why beekeepers should promote in it their hives. This presentation is very extensive. Lenghts about 1 hour and 15 minutes.

Dividing Colonies in Spring
Learn various methods of dividing your spring colonies. That includes queen introduction and how to let colonies raise their own queens. Lenght about 30 minutes.

What are neonicotinoids or short neonics? How to they work? Learn how neonics are applied to crops, landscaping, and garden plants. We will talk about dangers, and concerns. I will address colonly collapse disorder and the possible role of neonics. Presentation time about 30 minutes.

Oxalic Acid
Oxalic acid an old product now to be used to combat varroa mites. Chemical composition and sources. It is present in plants, but can we use those to treat our bees? The answer is not, but we can use the chemical itself to treat. Learn the methods that are proved in the USA. Also learn about the pros and cons. Presentation time about 30 minutes.